Hari sabtu 5 maret 2011 berangkat dari motosumiyoshi eki menuju ke tempat ski bareng temen dari jepang namanya kato takeshi san dan sugadaira ken adalah tujuan terakhir perjalanan.sesampainya di tokyo di lanjut naik kereta sinkansen,What a wonderfull train....naik kereta cepat khas jepang perjalanan dari tokyo sampe ueda cuma 1,5 jam klo naik mobil bisa nyampe 3 jam an dengan jarak 198,2 km tetapi....klo ada yang berminat jalan kaki alias ngirit duit bisa nyampe 1 hari 13 jam an(nonstop walking) bisa bayangin gempor gempor tuh kaki hahahaha.........{based on Google map}
gak terasa waktu begitu cepat nyampe juga di ueda yang terus di lanjut naik bus direct langsung ke hotel kemudian check in and prepare buat langsung main snowboard walaupun belum bisa sama sekali hehehe....!!!! Awalnya nih yang di kira bakal kedinginan karena banyaknya hamparan salju Ternyata....yang ada penuh peluh bercucuran hufh..betapa sulitnya main snowboard(It's All about body pain).Untungnya.....dengan mandi onseng semua rasa sakit sedikit terobati tetapi pengguna onseng dilarang memakai sehelai benangpun kecuali menutupi ksatria para lelaki dengan handuk kecil hehe....(17+ ke atas) Inget yah pake handuk bukan pake koteka :))
Next day on sunday 6 March 2011
After take a bath terus breakfast di sokudo nya hotel kemudian melanjutkan perjuangan dengan semangat 45 membara di dada(lebay.com dikit aja hehe....)Cukup lumayan di banding hari kemarin permainan snowboard ane bisa terkontrol waaaahhh....seneng banget,kalo di bilang ane gak mau pulanggggg sumpaaahhh.....!!!! Tapi apa boleh buat tai kambing bulat bulat hehe....just a li'll joke.waktu terasa cepat berlalu akhirnya pengalaman main snowboard harus berakhir sampe disini hiks..hiks..:(
Betapa indah nya Betapa senang nya hidup ini tetapi sebelum ane terbitin nih entri,negara jepang di landa gempa bumi dan sunami di daerah sendai dengan getaran 8,9 SR dan sampe sekarang gempa susulan nya masih terasa.Ya ALLAH lindungi lah Umat MU yang berada di jepang semoga selalu di beri keselamatan dunia dan akhirat aammmiiinnn.......Ok guys sampe disini dulu see you next time bye....
Tradition of Gifting Chocolates
There is a strong tradition of women gifting chocolates to men on Valentines Day in Japan. It is seen that two types of chocolates are more popular for Valentine's Day. One type of chocolate calledgiri-choco is bought for friends, bosses, colleagues and close male friends. ‘Giri' in Japan means obligation hence these types of chocolates has no romantic association. Giri chocolates are mostly bought from the store. Ladies make sure they pass on giri-choco to please all men close to them as it is seen that men who do not receive any chocolate feel embarrassed.
Chocolates for boyfriends, lovers or husbands are special ones and are called hon-mei. Many Japanese girls think that it is not true love if they buy Valentine's day chocolates for their boyfriend and hence honmei -choco is usually prepared by girls themselves. Men feel lucky if they receive honmei (prospective winner)-choco on Valentine's Day.
As chocolate is the most popular gift for the occasion, days before the festival department and grocery stores stock themselves with chocolates in large variety to lure customers. It is estimated that more than half the chocolate sold in a year is sold around Valentines Day in Japan.
Tradition of Celebrating White Day
White Day celebration in Japan is said to have been initiated as a marketing tool by marshmallow chocolate company in the 1960s. On March 14 or White Day men are supposed to give return gifts of chocolates to women who gifted them chocolates on February 14. The color of the chocolate is generally white because of the name of the day. These days, men also gift flowers, candies and other gifts along with the chocolates.
Valentine's Day Celebration in Japan
Valentine's Day and White Day festival is celebrated with charm and enthusiasm in Japan. It is observed that the festivals are more popular amongst young group especially those below 20 years. Most popular Valentine's Day gift is chocolates though ladies also give other gifts like neckties and clothes to men dear to them.check it out in this site here.